originally posted on: GameGeex
Blog Post

Looking for some guidance on which games to pick up during the Steam Sale? We've got you covered.

The Steam Sale runs from June 23rd until July 4th, so you have some time, but keep in mind the games featured will change every day.

Here are just a few Game Geex approved picks to add to your library:

Stardew Valley: Do you miss Farmville? You're in luck, because it's back and completely separate from all those annoying microtransactions. 

Rocket League: Everyone loves a little car soccer.  If you don't, it's time to reevaluate your priorities.

Fallout 4: Because you need this in your life. It's Fallout, with a DOG.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen: This dragon rodeo sim features all the DLC from the original game, including some remasters and some updated achievements. 

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: Pirates m'hearty. Oh and there's some connection to the Assassin storyline too, but I'm in it for the sea shanties.

Orcs Must Die 2: Tower defense at its bloodiest. Plus jokes. LOTS of jokes.


Now go forth and BUY GAMES.


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